Tips For Moving House Without All The Stress

It’s considered to be among all the capital-M ‘Major Life Events’ along with starting a new job, getting sick or injured, getting hitched or divorced, and having kids. Yep, moving house is a deceptively taxing process that can have a serious emotional, mental, and physical impact on us.

Doesn’t seem like it, does it? You might scroll through Instagram and see family and friends wildly grinning in front of a ‘SOLD’ sign, along with videos of renovation makeovers or room tours.

What do I need to know?

  • When getting ready to move, make sure you tackle the boring things like redirecting your mail, organising your removalist and disconnecting utilities first.  
  • Consider how you can start packing early by getting to work with your most un-used items first.  
  • Before packing make sure you’ve got everything you need I.e.e.g. packing boxes and something to wrap your valuables in. 
  • Make sure you update your details with MyGov details and other relevant organisations to ensure your new address is included.  

As ‘hygge’ as the vibe may be in the end, and whether you’re buying or renting, you’ll be pouring blood, sweat and tears into your new home. We’re here to help you reduce the tears, and hopefully avoid the blood. But you’ll definitely be getting sweaty.

Tackle boring admin

Some of the most tedious things you need to do before you move includes all the administrative rubbish that none of us really want to think about. But imagine how good you’ll feel once you knock it all out of the way…then you can focus on the actual packing and moving.

You can elect to do this for one month, three months, or more. It’s a useful service to set up especially as you continue to update all your service providers with your new details.

Packing boxes to move house

    • Choose your removalist carefully

As noted by the government website Moneysmart, you have a few options when it comes to moving your stuff1. You can ask your friends and family for help, hire a van or book a removalist.

However, if you do choose to go with a removalist, it’s important to choose wisely. Not all operators provide the same quality of service.

For instance, Consumer Affairs Victoria received 122 reports about a company called My Moovers over a two-year period. Among other things, these included allegations of aggressive behaviour and a lack of care.2

To try and avoid a bad experience, Consumer Affairs Victoria advises getting recommendations from friends and family. Choosing a service accredited with an industry body, such as the Australian Furniture Removalists Association, might also help3.

    • Disconnect and connect utilities

The Australian Energy Regulator recommends giving your gas and electricity retailers at least 3 days notice before you move out4. This way, they can disconnect service from your old address and get everything running smoothly by your move-in date.

In some cases, providers might also need access to your residence, so if this is the case, there might be a delay in connection. Make sure you’ve got a fallback option in case you can’t get connected right away… if your hot water isn’t connected when you move in, then we hope you like cold showers until it is.

If you’re thinking it might be a good time to change providers or see what’s out there, iSelect can help you organise gas, electricity, and internet at your new home to make your move smoother and easier. You might even find a better deal!

Time for hard yakka

Once you’ve gotten the ball rolling and you’ve ticked off some admin, it’s time to start collecting cardboard boxes and containers and start packing.

Start with the things you don’t use everyday – so books, ski gear, that fruit & veggie juicer you never use…

It’s also the time to divide and conquer. When you pack, put things you definitely want to keep straight into the box. So chuck your favourite books straight in there and put the ski gear aside if you’re unsure about it.

Try to distribute the weight evenly across each box, and label boxes on the side so you know what’s in them when they’re stacked up on top of each other.

It goes without saying, but take special care of glass items. Wrap them up in layers of bubble wrap, newspaper, or even old clothing. Handle these items gingerly and label these boxes as ‘fragile’. The last thing you want is a broken bottle of perfume or cologne in transit.

Once you’ve got the keys…

For things like Medicare or Centrelink, you can update your details through your myGov account. Just log in and click on ‘Account Settings’ from the top menu. From there, you’ll just need to click on ‘Update Your Details’ and follow the prompts.

For other organisations and service providers, you’ll need to update your address with them directly. This may include:

Although this process can take some time, it might be a good idea to get started as soon as you’re able. This way, you’ll be less likely to miss out on any important mail or information.

Final touches

On the last day before the move, give your old house a decent clean, especially if you’re a renter (you do want your bond back, after all). You don’t need to toil away like Cinderella and scrub the floors with an old brush, but you do need to put in some effort and leave your old place in good condition. If you’re really pressed for time, or you just hate cleaning, you might want to hire a cleaner as well. Again, weigh up the costs and benefits of either option – either option is fine, so just choose what works best for you.

Moving house is a lot of hard work, but it should also be a rewarding process. No matter what your circumstances are, you have a new chapter to look forward to. Best of luck!


1 Source: Moving out of home –

2 Source: Moving over summer? Choose your removalist carefully – Media release – Consumer Affairs Victoria

3 Source:

4 Source: Moving house | Australian Energy Regulator (

By Francis Taylor

Francis Taylor is an experienced content writer, passionate about providing accurate and helpful insurance information. He has a knack for simplifying complex information and understands the issues and difficulties many Aussies face when it comes to insurance. As such, he’s made it his mission to help improve the customer experience. Francis holds a Bachelor of Arts (Professional and Creative Writing) with a major in Journalism from Deakin University. He lives in Melbourne and when he’s not writing, Francis enjoys reading, travelling, being with his fiancée, and working on a variety of creative projects.

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